FREYR Battery is committed to conduct our business sustainably and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, good corporate governance and ethical standards. The FREYR Battery Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) sets out the rules for our business conduct. The Code shall deter wrongdoing and promote a company culture of honesty and accountability, fair and accurate financial reporting, conscious and ethical business conduct, and responsible handling of conflicts of interest. The rules and objectives set out in the Code is detailed further in our Company Policies and Procedures.
To ensure that all relevant and reasonable concerns or complaints may be raised without fear of harassment, discrimination, or retaliations, FREYR Battery has adopted a Whistle-blower Policy and a whistle-blower channel.
FREYR Battery encourage our employees and any external third party who interact with us to raise concerns or report any suspected or potential breach of law or company policies. Good faith reporting of concerns are a vital source of information to ensure compliance and continuous improvement.
As an employee, you are encouraged to raise concerns or report any suspected or potential breach of law or company policies immediately to either your superior, the superior's superior, HR or the Compliance Officer, or any relevant internal entity whose duty is to follow up such matters. As an external third party who interacts with us, you are likewise encouraged to raise concerns or report any suspected or potential breach of law or company policies through the regular communication channels.
However, if you are uncomfortable using these regular reporting channels, or if you prefer to place an anonymous confidential report, this may be done through FREYR Battery’s Whistle-blower channel (please see link below). Here you may use the telephone helpline or place a written report, both hosted by an independent third-party provider, Ernst & Young AS (“EY”).
All reports will be considered by EY and furthered to the Compliance Officer in FREYR Battery for assessment and further process and investigation. When submitting a report, you have the option to include your identity and contact information. You are not required to provide your identity if you choose to remain anonymous, but you should be aware that the possibility of contacting you is helpful if an investigation of the reported issue requires additional information.
Please also be aware that any report of concerns should have a reasonable basis and be submitted in good faith.
Concerns to be reported through the Whistle-blower channel may pertain to:
- False financial reporting
- Fraudulent accounting
- Insider trading
- Violations of competition laws
- Conflicts of interest, bribes or kickbacks, inappropriate gifts or gratuities
- Breaches of confidentiality
- Safety or security hazards
- Violations of environmental regulations
- Harassment, discrimination or other breach of employment law
- Other breach of Freyr Battery Code of Business Conduct and Ethics or of FREYR policies
Issues that are not concerns to be raised through the Whistle-blower channel
There may be issues you want to raise as a FREYR employee or a third party, which however is not suitable for resolution through the whistle-blower channel, is already raised in other fora or is subject to other processes. Examples of such issues are:
- Issues related to a person’s individual employment conditions (such as salary, workload, work description, advancement, work hours, compensation schemes, etc.)
- Issues where other specified procedures or reporting channels are established
- Individual contractual or tendering conditions
- Statements based on your personal political, ethical, or moral views
- Statements related to the general strategies or management of the company
Please raise such issues directly with your superior officer, HR or through the appropriate company- or other channels/fora/processes.
Channels for reporting
By web, go to: Freyr Battery – Whistle-blower channel

By phone:
(+47) 24 00 20 14 - All business days at 08:00-16:00 (Central European Time)
By letter:
Ernst & Young AS
Att: Granskingsenheten (Forensics),
Oslo Atrium
Postboks 1156
Sentrum NO-0107 Oslo
You can notify anonymously regardless of the channel you select. The telephone reception is serviced business days at 08:00–16:00 (CET).